Author Archive: Bogdan-Stefan Olteanu
Calendar Evenimente 2021
2021 Calendar evenimente pentru radiologii pediatri
3-7 Martie 2021: Congresul ECR (On-Line)
25 martie 2021: Sesiune examen medic specialist
20 mai 2021: Sesiune atestate de studii complementare
11-13 iunie 2021 Mamaia: Conferinta SRMMR si ISMRM-Romanian Chapter
17 iunie 2021: Sesiune examen primariat
24-27 iunie sau 30 iunie-4 iulie): Scoala de Vara SRIM (Brasov/On-Line)
1- 3 octombrie 2021: – Congresul Național SRIM (Bucuresti/Brasov/On-Line)
8-11 octombrie 2021: Journees Francaises de Radiologie SFR (Paris/On-Line)
11-15 octombrie 2021, Roma: Congresul International de Radiologie Pediatrica ESPR & SPR
14 octombrie 2021: Sesiune examen de medic specialist
29-31 Octombrie 2021: – Conferinta SNRIR
9 noiembrie 2021: Sesiune atestate de studii complementare
21 noiembrie 2021: Concurs intrare in Rezidentiat
28 noiembrie – 2 decembrie 2021, Chicago, Illinois: RSNA
26-29 Mai 2022, Timisoara: Congresul Federatiei Mondiale de Ultrasonografie in Medicina si Biologie (SRUMB, EFSUMB, WFUMB, EUROSON)
28 Iunie – 1 iulie 2022 Timisoara: Esentialul in Radiologie pediatrica GRP-ESPR
6-10 iunie 2022 Marseille ESPR
septembrie 2022 Rennes: Congres Anual Societatea Francofona de Imagistica Pediatrica si Prenatala SFIPP
2023 ESPR Belgrade
2024 ESPR-SLARP Seville
2025 ESPR Bucharest
(Update realizat cu sprijinul dr. Vlad Rakoczy)
Ghid de utilizare a investigatiilor radiologice si imagistice
Societatea de Radiologie Pediatrica (SRP), prin membrii activi in diverse entitati (Comitetul national al SRIM, Comisia Ministerului sanatatii de Radiologie, imagistica medicala si medicina nucleara) a fost implicata in realizarea celei de-a doua editii (2019) a Ghidului de utilizare a investigatiilor radiologice si imagistice, sub egida Societatii de Radiologie (SRIM). Ghidul a fost adoptat, in integralitatea sa, de catre Comitetul National al SRIM, avizat de catre Colegiul medicilor, completat si aprobat de catre Comisia de specialitate a Ministerului Sanatatii, avizat si publicat de catre Ministrul sanatatii.
Gasiti link-ul GHIDULUI, ascuns aici pe site-ul MS (pagina lipseste deocamdata din Tab-uri):
Puteti descarca textul direct de aici:
Gasiti Ghidul si pe site-ul SRIM:
SRP va ofera si varianta tabelara a Ghidului, pentru usurinta implementarii in sisteme informatice:
Ghid indicatii radioimagistice.xlsx
De asemenea, SRP va pune la dispozitie capitolul de radiologie pediatrica, aprobat de Comitetul SRP ca document de referinta, sustinut si recomandat de catre SRP.
Introducere Ghid Radiologie pediatrica
GHID Radiologie pediatrica.xlsx
Semnalam accesibilitatea on-line, directa, a ghidului SFR (Societatea franceza de radiologie), precum si accesibilitatea prin inregistrare gratuita, a capitolului de radiologie pediatrica din Ghidul RCR (Colegiul regal al radiologilor din Marea Britanie):
“Webminarii” recomandate de GRP
In perioada aceasta, cand toate intalnirile profesionale au fost amanate sau anulate, a crescut numarul de oferte pentru manifestari On-Line, uneori fiind dificil de ales. In acest context, va recomandam seriile de manifestari GRATUITE organizate de ESPR : (selectati ESPR Online Teaching Network)
Cotizatie GRP 2018
Termenul de plata a cotizatiei de membru GRP pentru 2018, cu valoare nemajorata, a fost prelungit pana la 31 martie 2018 (urmare a prelungirii altor activitati organizatorice din SRIM). Va rugam sa platiti cotizatia in acest termen pentru a va pastra statutul de membru activ, intrucat in aprilie vom proceda la adoptarea unor modificari ale statutului GRP, pentru aliniere la noul statut al SRIM!
Evenimente profesionale 2018
28 februarie -4 martie – Viena: Congresul ESR;
21 martie – … – Examen medic specialist;
16 mai -… – Examen atestate studii complementare;
15 – 19 mai – Nashville (Tennessee): Annual meeting SPR;
17 – 19 mai – Brasov: Conferinta SRUMB (Curs precongres de ecografie pediatrica)
24 – 26 mai – Lyon: Congresul SFIPP;
6 – 9 iunie – Bucuresti; International Pediatric Surgical Congress WOFAPS – SRCP
18 – 22 iunie 2018 – Berlin: Annual Meeting ESPR
20 iunie – … – Examen primariat;
5 – 8 iulie – Brasov: Scoala de vara a SRIM;
20 – 22 septembrie – Constanta: Conferinta SRIM;
13 – 16 octombrie – Paris: Congresul SFR;
17 octombrie – … – Examen medic specialist;
26 – 28 octombrie – Sibiu sau Gura Humorului: Conferinta SNRIR;
7 noiembrie – … – Examen atestate studii complementare;
?? 5-9 / 12-16 noiembrie – Curs ESPR radiopediatrie nivel 3
18 noiembrie – Concurs rezidentiat;
25 – 30 noiembrie – Chicago: Congresul RSNA;
Pediatric radiology course (Level I-II) 2017
The second edition of the Inter-University Central-European Course “Essentials in pediatric radiology and imaging” will be organized in Bucharest (Romania), June 20-23, 2017. This is an European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR) initiative, run as an inter-university project, supported by ESPR and the Pediatric Radiology Group of the Romanian Radiological Society (GRP-SRIM) as a cooperation between the University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMF) “Carol Davila” in Bucharest / Romania and the Division of Pediatric Radiology, Department of Radiology, Medical University of Graz (MUG) / Austria.
The Romanian College of Physicians (CMR) has credited the course with 23 CME credits, for the CMR members (Letter of confirmation nr. 3190/20.04.2017)
Course language: English.
The course is mainly aimed for young radiologists who want to commit themselves in a significant proportion to pediatric radiology and work in intermediate-level hospitals where such a need exists and is not yet addressed. Focus countries – Romania and other countries in the region: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, FYR Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine… Eligibility criteria as well as the order of application will be taken into account to select the applicants.
Information about VISAS to enter Romania: Click HERE!
Registration fee: 100 E. ESPR supports a reduced fee for radiologists in training (proof requested): 50 E. The fee covers the coffee breaks and lunches. Teaching activities and Syllabus will be granted by the organizers. Romanian participants will pay in local currency (450/225 RON, and for GRP members 400/200 RON).
Theory-only participants: A limited number of very young specialists (or last year residents) in clinical specialties, employed at the “Grigore Alexandrescu” Hospital, may be accepted to participate at the theory lectures, but NOT at the practical parts of the course that are organized in small groups (hands-on or workshops), these being reserved to full-course participants (radiologists). Theory-only participants are accepted in the limit of the number established for each department (names and e-mails of selected participants are to be send by each head of department at not later than June 12-th). These participants will receive a link for registration and payment of a 100 RON fee (covering teaching materials and coffee breaks). They will NOT receive CME credits.
Venue: Emergency Hospital for Children “Grigore Alexandrescu”
Bucuresti (Romania), Bd. Iancu de Hunedoara, Nr. 30-32 GPS info Lat: 44.45203 Long: 26.09172 . It is located at 5 min walk from the Victoriei Place, where you can arrive from the Main/Nord Railway-station by Subway or from the Bucharest-Otopeni Airport by bus 783. The venue (course secretariat) is at the “Big Amphitheater” of the hospital, in the old building of the hospital (entrance on the same side with ER).
You have to make the travel arrangements and book the accommodation on your own. Do not make any travel arrangements until you receive the answer at your application (that is if you were selected or not), unless the cancellation will be possible by the end of April! By the contrary, it is recommended to book your hotel, but be aware to select an option of free cancellation till end of April! Hotels near the venue: Capital Plaza ****, Minerva ****, Michelangelo ***. See other hotels here!
A few grants for travel and accommodation (200 E or 350 E) will be provided by ESPR for very-low-income countries, on a first-come first-served basis. You may apply for this grant by filling the dedicated section in the registration form. A proof of overall income is requested (Revenue tax declaration / Salary sheet / Proof of salaries /…). Be aware that participants have to pay everything in advance and the reimbursement will be made only after the end of the course; proof of costs will be necessary.
Download the Final Program -FULL PARTICIPANTS !
Download the Final Program -THEORY ONLY PARTICIPANTS !
Download the Course Flyer 2017 !
Michelin – top rated tourist attractions in Bucharest
Virtual visit in some museums in Bucharest and other cities
Open-Bus-HopIn-HopOff city sightseeing
Deadline for application: February 28. Selection of applicants till March 15; you will be informed by us immediately there-after – check your e-mails! Registration and fee payment for selected applicants must be received not later than April 15. Registration and fee payment for places left free (a waiting list will be made): not later than April 20. Payments will be possible on-line with any major bank-card.
To apply for the course, fill-in the APPLICATION FORM ! [Sorry, deadline reached!]
Visit our site and subscribe to our Newsletter to be kept up-to-date about future events!
For questions, eMail us at:
Industrial SPONSORS are invited to participate, promote their products, help with logistics and support some costs for the course participants (a list will be provided at a later state).
We thank our partners that already offered their help!
Evenimente profesionale 2017-2018
1-5 martie – Viena: Congresul ESR;
22 martie – 28 aprilie – Examen medic specialist;
17 mai -… – Examen atestate studii complementare;
16 – 20 mai – Vancouver: Annual meeting SPR;
30 mai – 3 iunie Davos: Annual Meeting ESPR
21 iunie – Examen primariat;
1 – 3 iunie – Cluj-Napoca: Conferinta SRUMB
20-23 iunie – Bucuresti: Curs ESPR de Radiologie pediatrica
29 iunie – 2 iulie – Brasov: Scoala de vara a SRIM;
22 – 23 septembrie – Liege: Congresul SFIPP;
5 – 8 octombrie – Bucuresti: Congresul SRIM;
13 – 16 octombrie – Paris: Congresul SFR;
?? octombrie – Examen medic specialist;
?? noiembrie – Examen atestate studii complementare;
?? noiembrie – Concurs rezidentiat;
24 – 26 noiembrie – Poiana-Brasov: Conferinta SNRIR
26 noiembrie – 1 decembrie – Chicago: Congresul RSNA;
ALTE CURSURI de interes pentru membrii GRP:
?? martie – Clinica de radiologie “Fundeni”: Curs intensiv CT
?? aprilie – Clinica de radiologie “Fundeni”: Curs intensiv IRM
18 – 22 iunie 2018 – Berlin: Annual Meeting ESPR
Conferinta SRIM, 6-8 octombrie 2016, Iasi
6 – 8 octombrie – Iasi: Conferinta SRIM: GIO, GRP, SIMSR, SRMMR si ISMRM -RC, SISR, SIORL si ARDMF. Curs precongres ESOR (patologie tumorala: pelvis masculin si feminin, tub digestiv, mezenter si peritoneu).